Its 2v2, your healer isn't CC'd and your mana looks good. You've been dropping your snowcones and autosteadying yourself to a 40% HP target. The opposing healer is running oom from your viper stinging. You have silence and scatter off of cooldown and are looking ready to drop someone. You have their healer on focus and a macro set up to silence your focus and scatter as well.
What the heck are you going to do. Well make sure you have hawk on for maximum burst. Blow rapid fire and let go of a few more auto->steady spams to get any big heals and natures swiftness's burnt. Then hit your AP trinket. Poop off a concussive shot to ensure your target isn't going anywhere fast then line up your last steady its time to rip off your instants and drop that sucka. Right after steady hits silence the healer and roll out your arcane auto multi combo.
But Shifttusk Hunter burst sucks!
Sucks my arse I say! Look at what your combo can really do. Based on how much you're crit has been mitigated by resilience so far you can guess where in the range your burst will fall. if that opponent is somewhere in the 3k-6k hp land its your time to shine. Light him up!
Hunter: Marks 1700AP 28-30% Crit +200ap use trinket
4.5 Sec Marks Hunter Arena Burst Down
Hit Crit
Steady - 550 - 1265 (cast before hits at opening)
Auto - 500 - 1150
---Silence Healer---
Arc - 650 - 1495
Auto - 500 - 1150
Multi - 950 - 2185
Burst - 3150 - 7245
One thing I really want to hit up is ZG for the trinket. Look how much additional burst it provides allowing for a second (40% crit) multishot. You also have another arcane adding 650-1500 dmg right afterwards
3 Sec Marks Arena Burst Down With Charm Of Beasts (ZG Trinket Resets Multishot CD)
Hit Crit
Steady - 550 - 1265 (cast before hits at opening)
Auto - 500 - 1150
---Silence Healer---
Multi - 950 - 2185
Auto - 500 - 1150
Multi - 950 - 2185
Burst - 3450 - 7935
The big key to being ready to burst someone down is not using your mana too aggressively and having your instants ready. Once you have someone in a good position to drop you're really ready to let loose. If your unload fails to drop them Scatter the healer immediately and wind up another steady auto this should put you in the winning position.
Yuir homework...
MM guide to beating down a Moonkin or a Frost mage...
I just made a basic overview of classes and such but I'll do some dueling tonight and post some results.
For the record though. Frost mages are a hard fight. But they lack longevity and with a healer in arena you will win just because once that second ele falls you win.
Cool post as for me. It would be great to read a bit more about this topic. Thanx for giving this material.
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