Thats right peep my spirit bitches

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Elephante Down!

Rival Shifttusk Drops EYEBUYGLADIATOR Elephante?


Shoulda spent some of that gold on skill buddy, arcane shot dispels BOF!


Anonymous said...


You're such an e-baller.

Now you can go brag to your GF about it.

Oops.. You probably don't have one.

When are you getting out of your parent's basement?

Shifttusk said...


Is this bruce fucking dickenson? I was hoping for better, perhaps something about my peen!

Heres a tip brah, If you're gonna drop an insult you should check that its true first. You insults are weak and yah I knocked your boy over like nothing.

Enjoy your purchased arena gear!

Anonymous said...

No. I'm not this Bruce fellow.

I am, however, someone who laughs at your attempt at virtual world (i.e. video game) bravado.

Here's a tip 'brah.'

Go back to school and learn a little about grammar and punctuation.

Proof reading is your friend...

And, I wouldn't say you knocked this guy out like nothing. You barely have a 1/4 health and your pet is dead. I'd say he put up a pretty good fight.

megan said...

You know when someone can sling insults via the old "it's just a game" angle, yet are posting e-thuggery of their own on an internet blog (and reading up on it for further comments), it reveals their character.

Anonymous said...

Well lookee here.

Big bad e-baller had to have their fawning sycophant chime in and save the day.

You had to spoil all the fun...

Well, Megan, let's see how this plays out.

How about you round up your merry little blog ring so that you all can flex your e-muscles.

Really now...

Shifttusk said...

Ha! Anon, seriously now, you complain about e-balling etc and you're here posting on a website trying to make yourself look like the man! Just to pat your new set of jokes on the back, I have a degree, I'm working on a second and if I wanted to I would proof read my posts here. My HP is gone from jumping off the EFW tower to chase bubble boy. If you know the horde side of AV you would recognize the spot. My pet is still alive the HP bar is just bugged for reference see that my pet command bar is still active!

Zerei said...

Well done sir.

@anon: lawl

Anonymous said...

Well done and don't pay attention to cowards hiding behind internet anonymity...

As in RL, money doesn't buy everything... You can buy gear, but no money in the world is going to make you a better player...

That Elephante so deserves to die!

Shifttusk said...

Oh by the way

"Big bad e-baller had to have their fawning sycophant chime in and save the day."

Meg Fawns over me!!!! You all should /jealous!

Anonymous said...

I really don't see what degrees have to do with anything.

So, I guess it's another attempt to e-ball.

I have two degrees. Degrees are a dime a dozen...

Let's explore this a bit, shall we?

I've been in school with guys that barely passed - hell I work with guys that still have no clue what their doing...

Just not sure why someone has to post their monumental wow exploit. Then again - it's your blog - so you can do whatever the heck you want.

Last I heard - everyone pays the same $15 to play the game. So, who cares if the 'bought' their gear. Aren't you doing the same?

Kinzlayer said...

I want to transfer to the Ruin battlegroup to go hunt me some Elephants, HAHAHAHA.

GJ shifttusk, keep those wonderful headshot coming, I really wana see more dead ivory tusker.

Kelmar said...

Hey Shift :)

Great talking to you in game!

Elephante dead... was it a dish best served cold?

I want the story! Did you macro /target Elephante? or was it random?

If it was random, how big was the grin on your face when you saw him? I knew you were happy for the kill by jumping off a cliff to get at him.

I am not entirely sure what "eballing" is, but I have a sense of it.

@ Whoever

He is buying his gear and he didn't earn it. He has, for all intents and purposes, become a target for those who a) have worked hard to get their gear b)have a sense of fair play and c) anyone who wants a screenshot of dead alliance!

@ Megan

Love the blog keep it up!


Was that rant supposed to do something? How's the ego?

Anonymous said...

I don't understand how you buy virtual gear?

This is a game, right?

You pay your $15 to play a game. If you're not breaking the TOA what harm does it do to you?

So, now it's e-vigilantism ... How apropos...

Anonymous said...

There's a difference between paying to play the game and brag about your skillz, and paying another person to play for you and then brag about your (non)skillz.

Shifttusk said...

Anon - You made a joke that I should go to school. Degrees establish I've gone and still do on occasion. Degrees aren't a dime a dozen if you make use of the courses. Unlike elephante I compete in arena for my gear.

Kin - Ruin is a pretty decent battle group we have alot of good players. Except this rogue veranice... EWW

@ arms - K Story time:

I'm in AV I usualy go run with the pack to Bal then recall back to D. So Bal dies, I'm back outside drek's strip club. The alliance is working on tower point when up into relief area runs a mage I kill sit down and eat. I'm sitting and all of the sudden right up the hill and into the tower runs an elephante.

I get up and follow and target him. BAM it hits me ELEPHANTE!!

So I chase him up the top of the tower and wing clip him at the top. He proceeds to use his D key to turn to me, BOF and stand still, i promptly unloaded into his face and he BoPs and jumps down towards the camp area. I follow, arcane shot his BoP, crap on him, scatter crap some more silence kill.

I was on vent with a friend who thaught I was absolutely crazy. All he hears is zzz av.... zzz mage... OMFG ELEPAHNTE YES HE SUCKS ELEPHANTE DOWN!!

Anonymous said...


You worked for it...

Kinda like grinding honor in AV so that you can get S1 chain chest and leggings...

That's some real hard work...

How about this:

Try My Special Sauce:
season: 15-11
1500 rating

Two Pump Chump:
season: 97-98
1510 rating

Hell. My 2v2 and 3v3 rating is the same as yours with about the same amount of matches...

And I hardly call what I did working hard. More like me wanting to experience a different aspect of the game and messing around with friends.

So what if the guy bought his rating...

I'm not saying... But, I'm saying...

Shifttusk said...

Lolz I suggest you wait untill armor fixes itself a bit better.

Try My Special Sauce has about a 1550 after two weeks of 10 games each only.

Two Pump Chump: is at flat 1500 with no games played at all for season 3.

I'm just saying if you're going to bring yourself into this post your toon. I'd like to see the full season 1 you're rocking.

Shifttusk said...

Oh and ya, the season 1 chest, that I've had since season 1?

The legs are new and were just an honor investment. I fail to see how farming AV for honor or any BG is not earning that gear.

Anonymous said...

AV is more of an investment in time.

Yes. I agree you're still doing something.

I still fail to see how someone buying gear is hurting you and your enjoyment of the game.


If I must bring my 'toon' into this to prove a point I will. I can see it now though. In game tells from your merry band of bloggers creating toons to be obnoxious (yes I'm a hypocrite too).

This is actually the one I'm playing the most right now.

Anonymous said...


That didn't work as intended...

Akastealth Darkspear Cyclone

Shifttusk said...

Akastealth - I'm not a prick for no reason and won't be logging in to poke your toon. I'm pretty sure noone else here will either. Elephante deserves his ridicule, sure buying gear isn't going to make someone good enough to win (case in point) but bragging about it and being an arse is going to end up with him getting bashed and in this case chased down and beat.

I agree AV is just a time investment, but hey Bliz has to pay the bills somehow.

For wahtever reason your twos and threes are showing up as the same team for me both 1570. I love armory!

It looks like you certainly work for your own gear (260 resil and active teams for all brackets) Why doesn't someone getting the same result for no work and bragging bug you?

Anonymous said...

@Shift & Meg

/applaud both of you

I have much anger toward people who dont earn everything they got even if it is a game. Check Elephante's armory now. I think you hurt his feelings, cuz hes wearing all plate now minus his boots and belt. grats to both of you.

BM on Lightning's Blade

PS - i almost hurt my friend for wanting to buy a wow account "cuz he didnt have time to play and level"

Anonymous said...

I must have completely missed the post where said person was bragging.

All I got from the post were screenshots of you downing someone.

If there is some kind of past history between you and said person that I don't know about - then belay my last.

I'm usually grumpy first thing in the morning - until I have my coffee - so my poking fun at you may be out of line.

I also have a hunter that I've been working on so I drop in here to see what you have to say.

Ah.. Now I understand the Bruce Dickenson quip directed at me. You must have thought I was a buddy of this guy or something.


/removes foot from mouth

Shifttusk said...

The origin of this mayhem is from Meg's hut:

Bruce was the loudmouth, although based on how you two write, you're certainly not bruce. I don't see "on her period" being your line of choice.

Keep coming back TBH flaming aside its entertainment at work! And its friday and honestly, I'm not in the mood to get anything done!

"I'm usually grumpy first thing in the morning - until I have my coffee"

I think this applies universaly.

I hope you're not upset or anything, tbh i like having a fun internet flame war once in a while!

Anonymous said...

Its fine that you beat you someone in arena gear whether bought from honor or arena points but I can't say any of the comments resulting from this really surprise me. With putting up those pictures you basically asked for it especially if people in your battlegroup know about your blog. Even if the person wasn't Anon I'm not sure what much you could do anyways. I put a name but it doesn't make me any more accessible than them.

Regardless, hopefully your kill at least helped you win the AV bg

Rubella said...

What a happy conclusion! It is such a pleasure to see resloution occur in a flame. Where's a sociologist when you need one...?

Anonymous said...

what addons are you running in those screen shots?

Shifttusk said...

You really cant see everything I have a few turned off but generaly I use:

Built in Bars map junk
Xperl Unit Frames + Focus Frame
Arena Live Frames
"Aspected Again" Puts your aspects on the stance bar and moves pet bar to the left
Cooldown Timers
Red Alert

Anonymous said...

Though I can appreciate your wanting to bring this guy down. I don't see the point. We all know he bought his setup. We also all know why people do something like that. Basically you went after a soft target. If he could pvp then he wouldn't have had to spend the gold in the first place.

I'd much rather save my aggression for those more deserving..i.e gankers I have known and the like. lol.

Thanks for listing the addons. I was kind of curious about that myself.

Guy said...

ohmehgawd.. They'll give anyone a blog these days!!


Shifttusk said...


Look at this guy!


Johnny Pie said...

Anonymous said...

Go back to school and learn a little about grammar and punctuation.

and then he said...

I work with guys that still have no clue what their doing...


Johnny Pie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
For the Pie said...

Not only do they give him a blog, but apparently degrees too!

OH and he doesn't live in the basement, get your facts straight. He lives in the attic. It's much cooler than the attic cuz he can see the stars and such.

Get to work Shift, sheeesh.

your boss.
