Thats right peep my spirit bitches

Thursday, December 6, 2007


So I'm not giving up on the blog,

I've just been responding to emails and.... working like I like my job (ewww). I have a few things that I need to trickle in here over the next day or so. Instead of leaving you in the dark I figured a little list of previews!

1) Screech Crash Boom - Since I read TJ so much I've decided to take a little tip from her and write about the crazy people that reside near me (central NJ). This story? Sunday.... red suv... oh noes this is a dead end? House! I'll let you all try and figure out what I mean!

2) Confirmed Elephante sighting and killing!!! This was in AV last night and I so wanted to post the SS I took today but... I suck and forgot my USB drive at home this morning. But he died, I killed him with a stylish arcane->Bop purge and a silence in the face. He 100% recognized what I was doing and ran like a scared girl in his new set of purchased resiliance. Now I don't know if Meg owes me a framed dollar bill but what can I say, I deliver!

3) New GEARS!! No hints yall have the internet and can armory meh if you want to ruin the surprise!

4) A completely crappy start to season 3 (our priest leaving 3s to go shadow, me hunter for a druid for 2's)

Back to working/reading blogs for me. Catch yall later!


Dagashai said...


Kill him some more!

megan said...

LOL @ Elephante killing.