Thats right peep my spirit bitches

Monday, October 22, 2007

Mondays Hunter PvP Tip: Feign Death

So as an attempt to provide some regular content on here my plan is every Monday to go over a specific hunter ability and how to best use it to help you in pvp.

Today's Feature? Feign Death

"But lewls Shifttusk players dont have agro!! L2 Hunter neub!"

So first what does feign death do?
- If not resisted FD will lower your current threat on a NPC to 0. (Yes no use in pvp)
- If not resisted FD will de-target your character this will break casts. (Aha wait a minute)

So FD for 60 mana can basically waste an opponents time that they spent channeling. It can also be used for some cool but risky tricks on melee opponents. The trick on melee is to FD when your pet or teammate is hitting the melee opponent your FD will have them targeted giving you a tiny time period to trinket off a snare and get to range. Try it its not very effective on a skilled opponent but every tool helps!

So part 1 what in the heck should I FD out of? Here's the Shifttusk recommended eat it or FD it list!
- Polymorph: EAT IT first off polymorph doesn't result in a lot of movement if your healer/teammates are paying attention they wont go out of LOS and you will come out to help. Poly heals you somewhat and if you're dotted it will break.
- Fear: FD IT fear can run you all over the place, it wont break consistently on dmg and you can get yourself feared out of LOS of your healer making you an easy kill.
- Casted DMG (fireball frostbolt immolate shadowbolt): This is a sometimes if you have a healer in LOS of you eat it. If not FD it to save your HP pool.
- Unstable Affliction: FD THIS EVERY FREAKING TIME. UA is like a caster mortal strike it means you are going to take dmg and your healer HAS to heal you. He cant run around it means every dot on you is going to tic. Love dodging mortal strike? FD unstable affliction.

Now there are a ton of other spells but the guidelines above should give you a good idea to judge your FD off of.

Back to work for me! If you guys have any tips on how you use FD in pvp (aside from getting a fast drink in) post them up!


platehealer said...

Damn, some real useful posts here, this is the exact blog i needed.

FD when a pet is coming your way, makes him turn around and run back to hunter/lock saving a couple seconds (or more if they're not paying attention) of melee or for trap cooldown.

Shifttusk said...

I FD pets alot in a BG but as of late I've actualy been trying to eat pet dmg more. I've been doing 2's with a warlock and 3's with that same lock and a resto shaman. What I've seen is that a hutner pet is best off on me or the shaman so if the pet is on defensive I'll peg it so it hits me. Warlock pets are always best on me since I don't have any bufs to eat i'll peg the fel puppy.

Anonymous said...

Yes, FD is a handy tool at our disposal. Good point on the fel poppy peggage, i totally agree on that, i've been doing the same thing :D ..