Thats right peep my spirit bitches

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year A Much Needed Update

Long Rambling Done Through Out My Work Day Post Inc!

Ok so I warned everyone. First off happy new years! I hope everyone celebrated and had a fun time!

So whats been up with the lack of posts Shift?

Well a few things first and foremost Teh BRK has put up a new version of his site and added some forums so I've been at my best ranting with people and bickering with Guy. I'd suggest everyone bookmark the site: as its a nice forum and has alot of good info coming in without sounding like math class like elitist jerks. Oh and your Shifttusk is moderating the UI/Macros forum so come stop by and post obscenities so I can delete them and LOL. Other than that I was enjoying my holiday and playing with my new toy . It Is Awesome. Since my phone carrier doesn't support the new iPhone yet this is my alternative. It has wireless internet so I'm able to check my email while outside having a smoke and watch YouTube while taking a.... uhm... eating dinner. My first request to you commenters. Post your favorite gift from this year!

On the wow side. I'm now 3pc vengeful+axe. I spent the dough for the S3 Chest this weekend. I'm now working JC up and or bucking up for BT gems to really pimp it out. I'm rocking 2x8AP+6Sta and an 8Resiliance gem fer now. I have enough points saved for my pants as well but I haven't decided if I should get to 4 piece and then start banking/working towards rating gear or start at it right now. The S3 Legs are a nice upgrade bringing my AC ignore up to over 500. I think this will really make a difference vs rogue/mage teams giving me way nice dps as well as make killing SL pets easier. I think I'm going to buck up once I have another 1k pts in the bank. I will at the very least get the s3 weapon. Its a rating I've hit before and I'm not to intimidated by the higher level play.

Not too much serious news on the arena side I've just been playing 2s with a friends alt priest to get him some points and messing around with a 3dps 3s team to get me some points each week. No active 5v5 yet as we're searching for the lost component. A resto druid. I don't know about you but on our server they are uber rare. We're looking at running an uber drain team with only two lineups and the druid is the elusive component:

Lock (felguard+draintalents), Hunter (MM), Druid (resto), Priest (disc), Pally(holy)
swaping to
Lock, Hunter, Rogue (ar Maces), Druid, Pally for 2mele 3 healer teams to lock down half of their dps.

Back to work for me. Look for a post about using your wasted time in arena (GCD's you're not using after unloading your instants) later today or this week.


WyldKard said...

Just because your carrier doesn't sell the iPhone, doesn't mean you can't use an iPhone on it. At least, assuming you have T-Mobile.

Anonymous said...

Nice one Shift, I got an iPod Touch too :) Be sure to get Google Maps and other iPhone goodies installed - a fellow web developer I know blogged a perfect how-to.

Shifttusk said...

OMFG no WOW tonight messing with the ipod :)