Thats right peep my spirit bitches

Thursday, November 8, 2007

1000 Visitors!

Woot! While its not BRK counter I'm very happy to have gotten this far in a few short weeks.


Shifttusk said...

BZZZ! Incorrect. It has a hit counter seperate from the visits counter. If you click through you will see visitors along with refreshes/pageviews. If you are off the site for a long enough period of time then you are a new visitor again.

Shifttusk said...

In short if you're going to troll do it effectivly.

Daelimar said...

Grats! =) Yeah I just started up this crazy WoW blog thing myself. I'm a BM spec hunter and pvp is indeed where it's at. I look forward to reading more of your thoughts and opinions. If you're bored enough you could come check out my random ramblings as well hehe.

Shifttusk said...


More pvp hunters is a good thing if you ask me. Theres alot of PvE hunter blogs sitting around and not enough of us! You sir are linked. Got a question on your blog too seeing as you've been arenaing a bit longer.

Anonymous said...


I'm enjoying your blog. As BRK, BM hunter it's great to see a hunter pvp site, even if it is MM.

Anyways, your tips are great and I have been using as many as BM hunter can.


Sebulon said...

Hey just found ur blog yesterday and it's great!

Started doing arena and bg's awhile back and this gives me some good ideas.

Keep up the tips and strats, I love that stuff!!

Pict said...


Pict said...

Man, I'm really sorry to have to tell you this, but you don't have 1000 seperate viewers. I just checked, I went here and the hit counter was at 1,250, then I came back 5 minutes later and it changed to 1,251.

Sorry to have to break the bad news,

Pict said...

Nay, I was wrong, someone had just visited your site inbetween the times I had, I tried again and it didn't change, so: