Thats right peep my spirit bitches

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Some Spec Alterations

So like all wow players I go crazy... ABSOLUTELY FREAKING CRAZY.. over my talent specification. It makes a huge difference in how your character is played and bad choices can lead you to being useless at your role. Like BRK shows in his blog not speccing BM (unless you are the guilds 1 survival hunter) really gimps your output in raids.

Now wait you can raid as marks, you're not going to put out a pathetic DPS number but BM puts out more, buffs the party better and is far more mana efficient in a raid. The other huge factor is not having to focus on your shot timing (marks should be going auto->steady->special->auto) as much lets you be more attentive to the raid environment. BM for raiding is win+win.

But this is about pvp :)

I swapped from arena play as BM to marksmanship and haven't looked back. I an currently swapping around in all brackets to help friends out and also played on my own 5v5 and 3v3 extensively as marks now. My impression? My 3v3 jumped up from the 1550's area to 1650-1700 range. My 5v5 cleared 1750. After following many cookie cutter marks builds to test it out I've made some adjustments to the spec. Mainly to talents people quote as needed for arena.

So prior to this weekend I played as 0/43/18 with 5/5 improved arcane 5/5 improved stings 1/5 Ranged Weapon Specialization and 3/3 Careful Aim.

What did I see? I was awesome at draining mana, My burst was pretty good but my overall dmg was horrid. I had huge trouble with druids LOSing me and playing with a warlock scatter shot broke too often to allow me to stop a druid to unload. When I did catch him the lack of 4% ranged dmg was noticeable and he could literally rely upon a few hots to get him out of the red to keep kiting then stop to HT himself.

So changes. First good bye imp arcane 1 second is not worth 5 talent points. Second goodbye improved stings. an additional 380 mana is not worth 5 talent points. Reduced cool down on viper sting and we'll talk.

So my revised spec (0/42/19) and I am loving it. Now here's some of the biggies:

5/5 Improved Concussive Shot - Laugh? Silly stun? How about druid win. That 3 second stun will proc every time I fight a druid because they last that long. When it procs i crank out enough dmg to make the druid have to stop and heal no kite stop. At this point he stops decursing, gets fully dotted up, eats a barrage of auto steady until he is low at which point its burn time arcane silence steady auto scatter multi skillcoil shadowburn and he eats floor. Its happened 3/3 times we faced a druid healer in 3v3 this weekend.

5/5 RWS with 2/3 CA - My dmg is back. I feel like an even more marksman marks hunter. My multishot is a 40% crit chance nightmare and hits like a truck when it doesn't crit.

5/5 Survivalist - I wasn't able to get the last 4% hp of this previously and it is goood this extra boost in hp puts me over 11k in my current so so pvp gear. When S3 comes out and my stam skyrockets I'll be able to regem for more AP where I feel I am lacking. This is going to make leaps and bounds in my dps output and make my non crit dmg constantly higher which is awesome.

The huge difference I see? My viper seems to be dispelled less. Now I'm sure in 2v2 this won't be true but with 2dps slinging around people are not dispelling viper they are healing so someone doesn't die!

What do you people think of my choices. Idiot for no improved stings? Good idea for adding more dmg to the build since pvp gears dmg stats did not scale as well as other classes?


Dagashai said...

Man, I wish I could check armory at work :(

Mabd doan have no points in CA or the +crit to MS. I wonder bout this... and if clever traps is worth anything in pvp.

I think imp arcane will be murderous after 2.3, and clever traps might as well... fire trap for 1.5 k damage? Hrm... explosive trap? Does the snare trap talent proc per explosive trap "flare" as it were, like it does the frost trap?

Shifttusk said...

I feel your pain with no armory at work. I can't even get the official forums now.

I feel your pain with talent choices as well. I think the barrage talents are needed, one of the great things about MM is the burst out you can do when needed. 40% crit chance on multishot is nothing to scoff at and in 5's its alot of extra HP for a healer to deal with.

The imp arcane is going to be nice for faster dispells in 2.3 but I was thinking about my shot speed etc I think its around 2.5S with the sunfury and at that speed Imp Arcane or not my arcane is ready after 2 autoshot clicks.

Clever traps is a no for me, my 5's and 3's healers absolutely go nuts for the ability to kite better on mele and really most teams run a warrior or rogue for the healing debuf.

I'm not sure about your last question I was under the impression entrapment no longer broke stealth

Aura said...

It's funny, your spec and mine have practically the same numbers, but a quick trip to the Armory will disabuse anyone of the notion that they're alike. I'm a bit of a hybrid for sure, but my main focus is still raiding, which is bourne out by the points in traps and the fact I couldn't quite bring myself to take out the points in Imp Arcane to hit up Surefooted 3/3. Was clipping the rotation, and that's bad. But those points in traps sure do make a noticeable difference when you're doing 5-6 mob pulls or Moroes CC in Kara. Aagh, spec is such a finicky thing when you're 70.

Shifttusk said...

Yea speccing is huge I originaly arena'd with my raid spec. Now I see how much that was holding me back.

As far as improved traps. 2/5 Beastlord baby!

As a bet with another hunter at one point I did moroes with 0 talent points spent and chain trapped my add till the end.

(just dont tell anyone Ihad the pally HOJ it a few times to let me get a few more secs on my trap CD)

Aura said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aura said...

I was going to repost my comment more articulately, but you were too fast for me! XD

I've chain trapped for Moroes with 0 points spent on traps a couple times before, but last night was my first Kara with the points in traps, and I have to say it's much less stressful, and my DPS output was measurably better.

The nice thing about the points in traps is that I used to have to rely on scatter shot/kiting when waiting for cooldown to finish, but last night I only had to use scatter once, when a trap was broken by a careless mage AoE, and by the time scatter broke the next trap was down.

I also love to use that ice trap in Arena to shut down hunter/warlock pets.

Dagashai said...

With entrapment, each time frost trap is inflicted, there's a chance of the 4 sec root. I was wondering if the same held for explosive trap's periodic aoe damage application....

Shifttusk said...

Dag I'm not sure. I rarely use explosive traps except for in say AV if im going to die :)

Its possible but I don't think so I think its only on the initial tick. With snake trap its only on the initial trigger although it is funny to see a rooted rogue with snakes beating his arse!