Thats right peep my spirit bitches

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Shift Answers Questions Late!

From comments I found this question. (Just to note I put up an email link so mail away!)

For the Pie said...
Yo! Shifttusk,I dabble in the Battlegrounds and am not a good enough PvP to consider myself even a noob. Sure I can outdamage most any class, because I know my class.My issues are I tend to get a bit tunnel visioned so I miss the other parts of the battle.Second, I realize, BM is not the biggest burst damage spec. Would a respec to a MM build for around 60 be the way to go? I am only 59 right now so I can do AB, WSG and be a big dog there, or AV and still be pretty good.
October 30, 2007 12:26 PM

First things first whatsup Pie!!

Second an answer :P. So as you said you're level 59 and dabble in PvP. There's certainly a difference between a leveling/pvp build and an arena build and it puts you in a hard place. The first thing is you're pretty lucky BGing is alot more forgiving than arena and you can spec just about any way and enjoy success in a BG. So if you like BM for every day playing there's no reason to respec for some casual BGing. In AV since there's alot of NPC killing BM actually gets more total dmg from my experience. So my recommendation - spec how you are comfortable. BM works fine and in a more disorganized BG where heals are less common TBW is a great thing to get yourself the heck outta dodge so to speak.

Another part of your comment stood out at me as well about tunnel vision. Now in a BG to be honest its no big deal. Often times in a BG I pick out someone who seems fun to battle and has similar gear and basically try and duel them in the BG. Tunnel vision is fine. BG's are fun, the rewards are nice but not enough to fully gear you for 70 pvp. Enjoy it in any way.

But in arena and duels and so on awareness is a huge deal. If you have read my comments on BRK one of the big things I promote about Bm is due to its simpler shot rotation BM makes it easier to be aware in a raid. Awareness is huge.

But PVP is way faster!

Even in a 3v3 match there is a lot going on. Now being able to calm down and see it is something from experience but there are some tools to help. The biggest one? A focus frame mod.

Now you can search "focus frame wow" or similar and get a mod that puts another target up for your to see what your "focus" is doing in arena. Xperl unit frames also does this. This is huge. In 3v3 you can now keep track of two people to decide who to silence scatter slow or send your pet to as distraction. I generally focus a caster who is not our primary dps target (usually a healer) and make their life miserable via silence and scatter shot.

Tunnel vision in arena fades alot with experience but to those of you having it I'd recommend you use a focus frame or Xperl (turn on party targets too to check focus fire targets).


Pict said...

Good blog!
I'm really looking forward to arena in end-game, possibly 2 or 3 man, so a focus fram mod would be good i guess. My question: does survival work for pvp?


ps- pvp means any bg, wsg, av, ab, eots, and also arena. Unfortunatly I rolled a pve server, so outdoor pvp is not gonna happen too much.

Shifttusk said...

sup pea!

So if you ask anyone who knows me I respec a crap ton! I've played just about every hunter build in raids (kara->lurker and VR) and in pvp so i'm guessing you're thinking deep survival with wyvern and possibly readiness.

My thinking on your venues:

BG's: Really the pack of players in BG's is soo varied any build will work. Its not arena so there are fewer high resiliance players. Resil is what kills alot of survs DPS. You need Expose Weakness up to do good dps and you cant get it up (lol) reliably if your crit rate is getting cut by 10%. Wyvern is a great flag cary stopper and will be better in 2.3 but the biggest issue is surv, despite its better mitigation via dodge seems to fail vs mele because of a lack of scatter or BW.

In arena surv was blargh for me. When arena first started it was fine the high crit rate helped alot and people didn't take advantage of LOSing hunters as badly. With instant wyvern this should again be cool. I think the dps gains from marks are better for arena. You get full ranged wep spec and humanoid slaying for 8% base dps increase on players. 20% increase total on multishot and a higher base RAP/DPS figure. But the big thing is having scatter and silence. Viable short CD crowd control and 2 caster interupts.

I think if you're going to be serious about arena go BM till you have a decent ammount of resiliance (200 or so) then go 0/4x/1x scatter and silence are just too good and the multishot buffs make it a great burst tool.

Pict said...

Yeah, actually what I was thinking was 0/21/40, if you look at my blog:

It is listed in more detail

thanks for the advice

Shifttusk said...

Looked through I think you'll do fine in BGs a few recomendations:

Trade Go For the Throat and Rapid Killing for points into lethal shots (+crit%) these points should be in any build to help offset resil and up your burst.

Past that the only thing I don't like is the base +parry deflection talents. You could be spending those points in entrapment or thrill of the hunt down the line helping you out more. Parry is nice but there are some better investments.

Entrapment is very annoying for opposing teams mele and helps you keep more people in your kill zone.

Pict said...

OK, I'll go and make up a new one right now

Pict said...

kk, new set up:

For the Pie said...

Thanks for the answers Shift. In AV I tend to roll with the O as my skills are needed up there more. Defense is always fun for HK's but usually it's marks I need ;)

My main computer went down so I haven't been doing a lot the past few job searching FTL.

I love AB, AV i am still a newb at, but it'll be interesting to see what the changes in 2.3 do for it. I'd like to see you post up some guides to each of the BG's.